Best toy for kids to unbox (2025)

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Which toy for kids to unbox is best?

Unboxing is a fad that grew into a full-blown phenomenon. Unboxing starts with a kid opening a package in front of a camera. The elements of mystery and surprise combine to continue to fuel interest in unboxing when instead of a single gift, kids unbox layer after layer, each with another surprise reveal.

The latest development in unboxing is extreme unboxing. These are packs of toys that combine unboxing with having to discover what’s inside by using tools to break, smash, dig, rip, twist and drill to find the treasure. If you are interested in an extreme unboxing adventure that involves puzzles, traps and hidden beasts, take a look at the Treasure X King’s Gold Treasure Tomb. Some of the treasures in this tomb are made of real dipped gold.

What to know before you buy a toy for kids to unbox

You never know what you will get with unboxing toys, but you know the boxes, safes, eggs and miscellaneous containers will be filled with surprises. Most unboxing gifts are like Christmas stockings that hold many little things instead of one big thing. Extreme unboxing toys have more figures and accessories, more places to hide them, and more levels to dig through to find the treasures hidden inside.

How old is the child?

Little kids are happy when they find many small things easily. For them, most of the fun is in the surprise, so small trinkets are enough to make them happy. Bigger kids like the challenge of having to figure out clues and dig through things to find lost treasures. For them, most of the fun is in the adventures they take on and the things they encounter along the way.

What are the child’s interests?

Generally speaking, little girls tend to be more interested in princesses, castles, movie studios, celebrities, fashions, puppies and dolls with fabulous hair and clothes. Little boys are usually happier with unboxing toys built around such themes as pirate ships, dinosaurs, monsters, aliens, tombs, coffins and trucks. But these interests vary with the child. If you’re not buying for your own child, talk to their parent or caretaker to learn more about what they like.

What to look for in a quality toy for kids to unbox

Interesting items

Look for things that interest your child. Lots of little girls like dolls and things that are neatly packaged. Lots of little boys like gross things like slime and spider webs, the messier the better. Most little kids like stickers and charms. But again, each of these things varies with the child.


Larger mystery unboxing toys include the opportunity to find rare, valuable prizes inside. The bigger and more expensive the unboxing toy, the greater your chance of finding special treasures. Some extreme boxing toys give you the chance to find coins dipped in real gold.


The more levels kids have to go through when unboxing, the more places there are to hide things and the more fun kids have going through each one. Some unboxing toys have only one or two levels of discovery while bigger, more expensive and more complicated ones have as many as 30.

How much you can expect to spend on a toy for kids to unbox

The simplest unboxing toys cost as little as $10. Bigger toys with more levels and more prizes run as high as $50 and more. Generally speaking, the more levels and prizes, the higher the cost.

Toy for kids to unbox FAQ

How long does the unboxing process take?

A. The answer depends on how many layers are involved, how many surprises are involved and how hard the surprises are to get to. Some unboxings take only a minute while others take much longer.

Why is unboxing so popular?

A. Like Christmas, unwrapping the packages without knowing what is inside is a thrill because it is suspenseful and what’s inside is a mystery. For some, the surprise is more experience than the little trinkets and stickers they find inside.

What’s the best toy for kids to unbox to buy?

Top toy for kids to unbox

Best toy for kids to unbox (1)

Treasure X King’s Gold Treasure Tomb

What you need to know: This epic adventure unboxing toy is a treasure tomb with secret doors, traps and a vault filled with treasure.

What you’ll love: Kids complete 30 levels of adventure to solve puzzles and find hidden keys to rescue the king from the tomb where he is imprisoned by strange beasts that lurk behind secret doors and traps. Kids search for golden mini-beasts, a golden sword, a golden crown and guaranteed real gold-dipped treasure. The treasure tomb is hinged and closes up to make a fine carrying case.

What you should consider: This unboxing toy has many small parts and is not appropriate for young children.

Where to buy: Sold by Amazon

Top toy for kids to unbox for the money

Best toy for kids to unbox (2)

Blume Doll Add Water And See Who Grows

What you need to know: Kids add a few drops of water and the dolls’ signature hairstyles bloom right before their eyes.

What you’ll love: The dolls that come with each package have 10 surprises hidden inside, including outfits, accessories, sticker books and even mini friends. The dolls’ outrageous hairstyles (often bigger than the dolls) are the essenceof their signature looks. Blume dolls’ styles are also defined by their choices of clothes and friends.

What you should consider: You never know what you will get.

Where to buy: Sold by Amazon

Worth checking out

Best toy for kids to unbox (3)

Ryan’s World Series 7 Giant Egg

What you need to know: You never know what you will get with a Ryan’s World unboxing toy, but you do know it will be filled with surprises.

What you’ll love: Ryan is the most popular unboxer on YouTube and his channel has more than 30 million subscribers. Crack this giant egg that is the seventh in a series of mystery eggs to find figure sets, vehicles, squishies, sands and stickers.

What you should consider: Some say Ryan’s World unboxing toys have more appeal among the very young and that older kids have higher expectations.

Where to buy: Sold by Amazon

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David Allan Van writes for BestReviews. BestReviews has helped millions of consumers simplify their purchasing decisions, saving them time and money.

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Best toy for kids to unbox (2025)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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