Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (2024)


Just treading water.......

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Crawfordville, FL
  • Apr 27, 2011
  • #201

IAMGOD said:

You are one the people I was talking about. For you to go back on Elron's account and forge my birthday just so you can shine. Man Thats Low!! And once again a Moderator breaking the rules!! Why are you and focal x stalking my man he doesn't swing that way!!And we are done here so keep posting all you want. And for the record Hank Boyles was never called a racist by either of us!! So Hank chill out. you proved the point of this thread yourself!! think About It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (2)

You, mam, in my most humble opinion, are just full of CRAP. You obviously shoot from the hip without bothering to check to see if any of your wild statements are even close to being accurate or truthful. The moderators on this site CANNOT alter profile information of other members. So you have absolutely no factual basis for your wild claim.

You are spouting off this racist crap accusing everyone else of being racist, when it is perfectly obvious to everyone reading your words that YOU are the only racist in this conversation. Sorry, but in my humble opinion, NO ONE can so blatantly accuse everyone else of being racist in the manner you are doing without being a raving pathological racist yourself. Quite frankly, I'm tired of reading your crap and DAMNED tired of you using my site to spout off this kind of poison.

And quite honestly, your megalomaniacal statement of "IAMGOD" for your member name really grates against my nerves. Perhaps in your racist circles your buds might consider you some sort of god, but that does not apply here. So if you really are a god, I guess my permanent ban against you is a complete waste of my time. But I'm going to try it anyway, thank you very much.

In any event, you had a temporary ban to cool off for a bit and maybe come to the conclusion to behave here like a rational, logical, sane human being. Obviously you have absolutely no intention of doing so.

Begone. For good this time.

(Yeah, I know. Now I'm a racist too.........) Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (3)

Devon Hodgins

Resident Demon

Resident Demon

Mar 23, 2011
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  • Apr 27, 2011
  • #202

(Yeah, I know. Now I'm a racist too.........)

Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (5)
Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (6), you almost had me there for a

And quite honestly, your megalomaniacal statement of "IAMGOD" for your member name really grates against my nerves.

Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (7) I was offended of this but it doesnt break the rules in any way so I dropped it.Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (8)

Does the "arabic princess"Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (9)rofl: if you call her that) even exist? I think not.


Resident Demon

Resident Demon

Jun 11, 2010
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Hampton Roads, Va
  • Apr 27, 2011
  • #203

Devon Hodgins said:

Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (11)
Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (12), you almost had me there for a

Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (13) I was offended of this but it doesnt break the rules in any way so I dropped it.Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (14)

Does the "arabic princess"Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (15)rofl: if you call her that) even exist? I think not.

I'm not up to date with the whole social networking thing, but both of those profiles seem recently created and I thought no own even used myspace anymore Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (16)


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Long Beach, CA
  • Apr 27, 2011
  • #204

WebSlave said:

Every time I saw "her" name I wanted to bang my head against my desk. Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (18) Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (19) Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (20) It's like, how much of a self centered pr**k do you have to be to have a screen name like that and, not only have a screen name like that, but in the bio, tell me "I am god. Think about it."

THINK ABOUT WHAT?! How totally narcissistic someone can be?! ARG!!



Resident Demon

Resident Demon

Feb 25, 2009
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Yorba Linda, California
  • Apr 27, 2011
  • #205


This thread blew up since yesterday! Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (21)

Well that is some good investigative work on the 2 profiles and also showing the similar typo's. It is sad that people (or in this case possibly one person acting as two) can be so negative and think the whole world is against them. Hopefully they realize they were wrong in many instances and at least just admit it to themselves!

Hank- As I understand what you are saying about being aggravated I do not agree with your actions. I know I am just some random "Joe", but in the reptile community actions on here go a LONG way when people can't meet you in person to know what you really are like. Best of luck in the future and hope all goes well for you. I think it does count for a bit that they got their money back.



Resident Demon

Resident Demon

Jul 20, 2009
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Los Angeles, CA
  • Apr 27, 2011
  • #206

Focal X said:

I'm not up to date with the whole social networking thing, but both of those profiles seem recently created and I thought no own even used myspace anymore Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (22)

Nada's was created *yesterday*...

Devon Hodgins

Resident Demon

Resident Demon

Mar 23, 2011
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  • Apr 27, 2011
  • #207

hezekiah said:

Nada's was created *yesterday*...

Figures.She is probally some ex that broke up with him in the 8th Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (24)

has anyone ever done a background check on her to see if she is even real?

Galaxy ball

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  • Apr 28, 2011
  • #208

I just saw my name, Dennis this is not an attack on you. Now I do agree with one thing and that is some people hide behind a computer. I did state that I am African American and I would never deny that. If they where trying to imply that I am a sellout anyone who know me know what time it is so I disregard the op's comment on that in a second. Now I dont know how to repost peoples comments as of yet but I did read a comment talking about thugs fight on the corner. No this happens everywhere, its not only thugs. lOOk at the news and lets look at some of the major headlines, some of these kids where no way shape or form thugs. The op and his wife are jokers. If there was all these emails with racial comments why didnt you post them? As I stated before my hat goes off to many of you for some of the situations that was resolved. To the Op whether you could see this or not, Im not going to come online and make a fool out of myself, nor am I going to tell people suck my body parts when Im trying to start a business. My advice to you is Karma is crazy, you get what you give. I wasnt on your side I was trying to get people to lay off all of your personal business. It's 2011, this is for the blacks, whites, purples, greens and oranges if you dislike a different race (whole race at this day and age) get a rock and crawl under it. The race card, I will never deny someone a friendship because of there color. Sorry Im all over the place, just mixed emotions. HHmoore I apologize please dont come after me


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  • Apr 29, 2011
  • #209

I'm almost in tears laughing at IAMGOD's posts. This is just unreal. xD



Resident Demon

Resident Demon

Jan 3, 2011
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Jacksonville, FL, USA
  • Apr 29, 2011
  • #210

This thread should serve as a great example...

An example of the wrong way to start a bad guy thread as well as an example of the wrong way for a seller to handle the situation.

Elronza definitely jumped the gun by posting this thread too soon. He should have contacted Hank and tried to work the situation out before immediately coming to the BOI. On top of that, the way he handled himself throughout the exchange pretty much cemented his status on everyone's "Do not sell to list."

On the other hand, Hank, I think you blew a good opportunity here. Despite the big red X next to your name, this thread could have become a testament to how well you handle business, regardless of how difficult the buyer(s) may be. It wouldn't be the first time that a bad guy thread actually served the opposite purpose. Instead, you let an impatient customer expose your own shortcomings. I can understand being irritated by the situation, as nobody wants a bad guy thread with their name on it, but by refusing to take action you've essentially proven the thread to be true.


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Long Beach, CA
  • Apr 29, 2011
  • #211

FLHerper34 said:

On top of that, the way he handled himself throughout the exchange pretty much cemented his status on everyone's "Do not sell to list."

Are you kidding me? l'll totally do business with this guy! Impatient, demanding and he thinks I'm a racist if he doesn't get what he wants when he wants it?! SIGN ME UP. Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (28)


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Peoria, AZ, USA
  • Apr 30, 2011
  • #212

IAMGOD said:

People do any of you have a business license in your state. Do any of you have pay pal accounts and under stand the rules. The seller got his money as pay pal confirmed the address and the SELLER posted to pay pal that he shipped the order.

People the seller is to ship the product once he received the funds.

I am new to this business but I am the bookkeeper and advised him to file a claim. shipping out two more weeks, I don't know any business that would do that and would be allowed by the credit card company and/or pay pal. As the PCI for credit cards has rules that when you charge a credit card you must ship out in 24 hours or they can lose their merchant account.

I really don't think Pay Pal wants to lose their ability to process credit card payments for billions of customers because of the lack of professionalism of this seller.

Final I saw where you posted to PayPal on Sunday April 10, 2011 that you shipped it... Dude you are 100% wrong and owe then money back or the snake in excellent condition.

why yes, I have a business license in my state and in my city. Do you?

The product is not always shipped once funds are received. Sometimes things happen. Perhaps the product was on back order and pre payment is required. Yes I know it is a snake..... but if you truly are in business then you should know what I mean. Paypal will not lose their ability to process credit cards because some guy did not ship within 24 hours. Before you preach to me about your knowledge of business accumen or lack thereof, make sure you first know what you are talking about. I am a business. I use two different processing companies. I know there rules. Nothing in their rules says you have to ship once a transaction is processed. What if I processed a transaction for services rendered. Will I still have to ship them something? For a guy who "keeps the books" perhaps it is best if you just keep them and never let them see the light of day. Because you have no idea what you are talking about or how to conduct business.

Yes "he posted on paypal that he shipped" But do you have any idea how that is done? When you print a shipping label, paypal will automatically send a "shipped" e-mail. He did not post it. Paypal automatically "posted" it.

You don't know of any business who would wait two weeks to ship?
A customer of mine bought some ballistic material. He wanted me to wait to ship to him. He was in Iraq and would not be home to receive the shipment. I don't know exactly how long I waited. But I can assure you that it was longer than 2 weeks. I never lost my ability to process payments and neither did paypal. So before you preach to me about business, please know a little something about it. And before you respond.... kindly do a little research first.

Oh my bad. You can't respond because you have been banned. Good Riddance.



Resident Demon

Resident Demon

Jul 20, 2009
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Los Angeles, CA
  • Apr 30, 2011
  • #213

HerpVenue said:

Oh my bad. You can't respond because you have been banned. Good Riddance.

Not being a sneaky type of person, I don't know if they can view this forum with banned handles. However, their blogs on myspace indicate that you have an excellent chance of them "answering" you there... they're a tad obsessed with their removal from these forums.


May 26, 2005
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Atlanta, GA
  • May 1, 2011
  • #214

Just so everyone can see the crock-o-crap:

Elronza's MySpace blog:
April 28, 2011
"Fauna Classifieds A Haven For Racist Cowards!!

Believe it or not I went to Fauna at first because it was supposed to be a haven for reptile lovers of all levels. Both beginners and those well established in the hobby.Now don't get me wrong before I stick it to fauna let me tell you one and all the reptile trade is mainly run by idiot racist whites that think the whites know everything. Once again I have no love loss for letting you know you are wrong dead wrong!! No herpetologist in the world can tell you more about a snake than the people who have to live around them!! I have an uncle from Africa who tells me about how easy it is to catch snakes there and how some of the morphs of ball pythons that sell here for a pretty penny occur there quite often in peoples houses. Ever since I started keeping reptiles I've noticed how most vendors act like I'm only supposed to like the common and cheap animals and take offense when not only that the common animals don't interest me but that I actually have enough money to buy whatever I want and that I know more than them about the species in question!! And let me tell you this is the norm!!So as stated above the reptile trade is run mainly by racist whites.Now I'm not saying that all the whites in the reptile trade are racist,just that majority are. Hey the truth is what it is!! Now when it comes to fauna we really have a concentration of racist fools.Especially the Moderators and Web slave himself!!Hey before you wonder what I'm talking about go to FaunaClassifieds and look up the tread Bad Guy Hank Boyles and Melissa Bayles and you will see my point for sure.All I and Nada do is try to warn people about hank boyles and like piranhas they start swarming and attacking me and Nada about stuff that doesn't even have to do with the tread which I want to point out is against their rules but as long as its towards me an Nada it's allowed to take place and encouraged By the Moderators and Web slave himself!! Well unfortunately Fauna neither I nor Nada are cowards so there will be justice found on our behalf I guarantee!! Point being this would be fine and all if this were just some site for rants and raves,but this is supposed to be a site with an air for business!! Man to tell the truth I don't think that back water swamp juice drinking web slu*t web slave can even spell business!! To make matters worse they try to label Nada a racist When she's Arab and White;and thee most non racist person in the world!! And try to convince themselves and others that I'm a criminal when all I have is an arrest record.Say all my snakes are stolen when I unlike most of them I have not only the receipts for them but also their fedex shipping info on file as well!! Oh now we get to the real nitty gritty!! Web slaves stupid ass banded Nada for life and stated he didn't like her title IAMAGOD and said she was racist when all she did was defend me;after I'd been left those puss* ass non thinking non ball having ass bitches alone!! So once again if finding a site to hang out on and discuss reptiles and the like is your thing then please stay as far away from fauna as possible so you don't catch webslave's stench!! "

Nada's MySpace blog:
Apr 30, 2011
"Fauna Classifieds The Site That Sense Forgot

Man, What can I say just another low end craigslist wannabe. Hey their kinda like CL I mean after all you have a selection of fools(Racist, Cowards, Bully's, Fool's and of course Scammers) Oh no Nada you didn't say that about Fauna! Hell yes I did, look as far as fauna goes they claim to have rules that everyone has to follow not true, you see their moderators and a selective few DON'T! For you see they are selective with whom they enforce their rules on. And let's not forget religion & race counts with them. Where there is no mention that I and anyone else has to be Christian or White. Not sorry to disappoint you Web Salve but I'm neither Christian or Muslim, I have no religion. Didn't know I needed one on your site. Also I'm not sorry to you and your cronies but I don't kiss anyone's ass to get by!! Or for use of one's site, I will always speak up for what's right and when I am right I will never back down!!! You don't like me well f*ck YOU TO!!!!!!!!!!! Hey at least on Craigslist you have freedom of speech. On Craigslist they have it were you can go and rant and rave their site is set up like and business and a social network. Where Fauna is a business network??? Look around on fauna and u will see for yourself Karma points really on a business site? Not only that but people can leave comments on your karma and if you don't pay fauna you have no ideal as whom left them.Web Slave do you even know what megalomaniacal mean's???To see just what I am talking about please check out the link below
Thank You

These two just leave me Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (31)


Future Vet!
Feb 23, 2010
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Toms River, NJ 08754
  • May 1, 2011
  • #215

"And quite honestly, your megalomaniacal statement of "IAMGOD" for your member name really grates against my nerves. Perhaps in your racist circles your buds might consider you some sort of god, but that does not apply here. So if you really are a god, I guess my permanent ban against you is a complete waste of my time. But I'm going to try it anyway, thank you very much." ---> Thank you!! Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (33)

Haha, I love when people use the race card as leverage to act like complete jerks. This was the biggest waste of time I've ever read, and I actually feel dumber now having read this thread. The buyer was BEYOND unprofessional and I'd sooner literally shoot myself in the foot than ever deal with him (or her - who knows at this point). As for the seller, I empathize with him for dealing with this, and while I understand he has a right to be angry, I personally would not have handled the situation in the same way.

And if that pic you posted of your girlfriend was supposed to make us somehow jealous....uhh, thanks.


Reptile Addict

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Apr 2, 2011
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Nashville TN, USA
  • May 1, 2011
  • #216

Ugh...I just cannot read through's oozing stupidity.

I could not ever be racist. I have to deal with sexist a-holes all day long being a tiny female security guard at a mall and my apartment complex. To suggest others in this thread have been racist toward them is utterly absurd. Heck, I automatically thought poorly of them in their original post due to the atrocious grammar and spelling.


Resident Demon

Resident Demon

Jun 9, 2010
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Newark, Ohio
  • May 1, 2011
  • #217


Resident Demon

Resident Demon

Oct 2, 2005
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Lecanto, FL
  • May 1, 2011
  • #218

The reason I posted the link and screen shots of the OP's ad was so that people could see how he was trying to rip people off by selling an albino boa as a sunglow, and to show how he reacted in a very imature way when he was told more then once that it was a normal albino and not a sunglow.

I also believe the OP was premature in his bad guy post of this seller. You don't post a bad guy thread after a few days of your payment.

In the Craigslist ad he is currently running, he is advertising an Anery Arabesque Boa Het. Moonglow with paper work. It is not possible for an anery boa to be het for moonglow. The hypo gene has to be present, and the hypo gene is a co-dom gene, so an anery boa does not posess the hypo gene. An anery boa can be het for albino, aka het snow, but not het moonglow.

I don't want to confuse people here, but a ghost boa can be het moonglow, and even a hypo boa can be het moonglow. The ghost boa is a double visual morph, both hypo and anery, and it would then need to be het for albino. A hypo boa could be het for anery and albino, making it a het moonglow. Both albino and anery genes are recessive.

A moonglow is a triple visual morph, hypo, anerythristic, and albino all in one.

Someone should start a bad guy thread on the OP based on his Craigslist ad. He is clearly trying to rip someone off. When he was running his albino/sunglow ad here on Fauna, he was also running it on Craigslist.

Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (37)



Resident Demon

Resident Demon

Jul 20, 2009
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Los Angeles, CA
  • May 1, 2011
  • #219

brd7666 said:

Someone should start a bad guy thread on the OP based on his Craigslist ad. He is clearly trying to rip someone off. When he was running his albino/sunglow ad here on Fauna, he was also running it on Craigslist.

Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (38)

Really, to be 100% frank, when you get down to it, selling pets is against the rules on Craigslist, so... I don't expect his ads to survive long anyways, so the screenshots are invaluable.


Resident Demon

Resident Demon

Mar 2, 2004
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  • May 1, 2011
  • #220

Elronza said:

Well unfortunately Fauna neither I nor Nada are cowards

To deliberately act in an unreasonable manner that you KNOW will get you banned from this site and then turn tail and whine about it on another site is
yellow as a canary IMHO.

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Bad Guy - hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff (2024)
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