Pre-trial | Motion to Recuse Judge for Alaska State Superior Court (2024)

“To succeed on a motion to disqualify a judge for bias, the movant mustshow that the judge's actions were the result of personal bias developed froma nonjudicial source.” (See Hanson v. Hanson (2002) 36 P.3d 1181, 1184(Alaska 2002)

Purpose and Significance of a Motion to Recuse Judge

“Alaska Statute 22.20.020(a) requires disqualification of a judge whenthe judicial officer feels that, for any reason, a fair and impartial decisioncannot be given.” (See Hanson v. Hanson (2002) 36 P.3d 1181, 1184; AS22.20.020(a)(9).)

“A judicial officer must disqualify himself or herself in anyproceeding in which the judicial officer's impartiality might reasonably bequestioned.”(See id; Amidon v. State (1979) 604 P.2d 575, 578; Perotti v. State (1991) 806P.2d 325, 327.)

“In addition, the Alaska Code of Judicial Conduct requires that [i]n theperformance of judicial duties, a judge shall act without bias or prejudiceand shall not manifest [such bias or prejudice] by words or conduct.”(See id; Alaska Code of Judicial Conduct Canon 3(B)(5).)

“Canon 3(E) of the Code requires disqualification of the judge in aproceeding in which the judge's impartiality might reasonably be questioned[because] the judge has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party or aparty's lawyer.” (See id; Alaska Code of Judicial Conduct Canon3(E)(1)(a).)

“[A] judge is not disqualified from presiding over a case merely becausethe judge has previously made adverse findings regarding a party.And a party seeking disqualification must show that the judge's actions‘were the result of personal bias developed from a nonjudicialsource.’”(See Johnson v. Johnson (2017) 394 P.3d 598, 603-04.)

Rules for Filing a Motion to Recuse Judge

“The Alaska Code of Judicial Conduct establishes standards for ethicalconduct of judges and provides a structure for regulating conduct throughdisciplinary agencies. It is to be applied consistently with constitutionalrequirements, statutes, other court rules and decisional law and in thecontext of all relevant circ*mstances.” (See Mitchell v. Teck ComincoAlaska Inc. (2008) 193 P.3d 751, 764.)

“Alaska Code of Judicial Conduct Canon 3(E)(1) provides that if thejudge's impartiality might reasonably be questioned, the judge shalldisqualify himself or herself. This requirement includes instances where:(a) the judge has a personal bias or prejudice concerning aparty...”(See Greenway v. Heathcott (2013) 294 P.3d 1056, 1063.)

“The commentary to Canon 3 E(1) provides that a judge should disclose onthe record information that the judge believes the parties or their lawyersmight consider relevant to the question of disqualification, even if the judgebelieves there is no real basis for disqualification.” (See Mitchell v.Teck Cominco Alaska Inc. (2008) 193 P.3d 751, 765 n.54; Alaska Code ofJudicial Conduct Canon 3 E(1) cmt.)

Proving Judicial Bias

“Actual bias exists when a judge's actions were the result of personalbias developed from a nonjudicial source. But actual bias also may exist when,based on facts presented or events occurring in court, a judge reaches anopinion about a party or lawyer that is so extreme as to display clearinability to render fair judgment.” (See Mohammed S. v. Abeir E., No.S-18393, at *31-32 (Alaska Aug. 9, 2023).)

“An appearance of bias arises when a fair-minded person consideringthe facts and circ*mstances would reasonably suspect that the judge'sability or willingness to decide the case fairly would be compromised by thejudge's feelings about, or toward a party or lawyer.”(See id; Hanson v. Hanson (2001) 36 P.3d 1181, 1184; Nelson v. Jones (1989)781 P.2d 964, 972.)

“A greater showing is necessary for recusal based on an appearance ofbias. When a judge is challenged for actual bias, we review the denial ofrecusal for abuse of discretion, but when a challenge is based on anappearance of bias, we review the denial of recusal de novo as a matter oflaw.” (See id; State v. Graham (2022) 513 P.3d 1046, 1070; Perotti v.State (1991) 806 P.2d 325, 328.)

“Importantly, interpretations of the law are not sufficient todemonstrate the existence of bias. Likewise, [m]ere evidence that a judge hasexercised his judicial discretion in a particular way is not sufficient torequire disqualification.” (See id; Jourdan v. Nationsbanc Mortg. Corp.(2002) 42 P.3d 1072, 1082.)

“We will not overturn a judge's [recusal] decision unless it is plainthat a fair-minded person could not rationally come to that conclusion onthe basis of the known facts.”(See id; DeNardo v. Maassen (2009) 200 P.3d 305, 310; Amidon v. State (1979)604 P.2d 575, 577.)

Standard of review in Deciding a Motion to Recuse Judge

“A party seeking to disqualify a judge for bias must show that thejudge's actions were the result of personal bias developed from a nonjudicialsource.” (See Vickers v. State (2008) 175 P.3d 1280, 1286; Pride v.Harris (1994) 882 P.2d 381, 385; Hanson v. Hanson (2001) 36 P.3d 1181, 1184.)

“Although we review the denial of a motion to disqualify a judgebased on actual bias for abuse of discretion, we independently review arequest for disqualification of a judge based on the appearance ofimpropriety.”(See Jerry B. v. Sally B. (2016) 377 P.3d 916, 924; Greenway v. Heathcott(2013) 294 P.3d 1056, 1062; Wasserman v. Bartholomew (2002) 38 P.3d 1162,1170; Jerry B. v. Sally B. (216) 377 P.3d 916, 924 n.15.)

“However, where a party asserts only an appearance of partiality, asdistinguished from actual bias, we require the complaining party to make a‘greater showing’ for reversal.” (See id; Carr v. Carr(2007) 152 P.3d 450, 459; Long v. Long (1991) 816 P.2d 145, 156.)

“We review constitutional questions de novo, and will adopt the rule oflaw that is most persuasive in light of precedent, reason, and policy.”(See Jerry B. v. Sally B. (2016) 377 P.3d 916, 924-25.)

Notable Decisions Discussing a Motion to Recuse Judge

“In Alaska, a judge has an obligation not to order disqualification “when there is no occasion to do so. Trial judges are often called upon to compartmentalize their decisions—to review evidence that is later declared to be inadmissable or to rule on similar legal issues at different stages of a contested case. Generally, these decisions do not create an appearance of impropriety unless the judge hears something or does something so prejudicial that further participation would be unfair to the parties." (See Grace L. v. State (2014) 329 P.3d 980, 988-89; Amidon v. State (1979) 604 P.2d 575, 577; Lacher v. Lacher (1999) 993 P.2d 413, 420–21.)

“The judicial officer, in making his determination to disqualify himself, is required by the Code of Judicial Conduct to give weight to the appearance of impartiality. Canon 3(C)(1) provides: A judge should disqualify himself in a proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned. AS 22.20.020(a)(6), which governs disqualifications, does not provide for disqualification where the sole concern is maintenance of the appearance of impartiality. We believe that, in light of the importance of promoting public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary, (Cannon 2(A), Code of Judicial Conduct) it would be well to permit disqualification under such circ*mstances, and we respectfully recommend it to the legislature.” (See Amidon v. State (1979) 604 P.2d 575, 578.)

Pre-trial | Motion to Recuse Judge for Alaska State Superior Court (2024)


What is a motion for a judge to recuse? ›

A motion to recuse is a legal motion that asks the court to remove a judge from a case because they may be biased. A motion to recuse a judge can be filed by the prosecutor, the defense attorney, or the plaintiff or defendant in either a criminal or civil case.

Why might a judge recuse step down from a case? ›

In law, to recuse means to withdraw from a legal case due to a potential conflict of interest or lack of impartiality. This action can be taken by a judge, juror, or other judicial official who recognizes that their involvement in the case could be biased or perceived as biased.

How to ask a judge to recuse himself? ›

To raise a challenge, file an Affidavit of Prejudice Peremptory Challenge to Judicial Officer (form LACIV 015). A copy is available at If you choose to draft your own affidavit, it must include specific language listed in the code cited above.

Can a judge deny a recusal? ›

First, the case result can be reviewed by an appellate court, and an entirely new trial may be ordered. This means the judge's decision regarding a criminal conviction or monetary award may be reversed or set aside. Second, a judge who refuses recusal when necessary may be further reprimanded or disciplined.

Which of the following laws requires judges to recuse themselves? ›

Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned. Is to the judge's knowledge likely to be a material witness in the proceeding.

What happens after a judge is recused? ›

If any judge on the initial panel is recused, the case will be assigned instead to a different three-judge panel. After the Clerk's Office conducts this initial recusal screening, it submits to each judge on the panel a list of the parties, counsel, and law firms whose cases have been tentatively assigned to the panel.

What is considered conflict of interest for a judge? ›

Judges may not hear cases in which they have either personal knowledge of the disputed facts, a personal bias concerning a party to the case, earlier involvement in the case as a lawyer, or a financial interest in any party or subject matter of the case.

What is a recusal motion? ›

Recusal is typically called for when a judge has interests, beliefs, or opinions about the case at hand that could interfere with their ability to make an unbiased ruling.

How to prove bias in court? ›

To prove judicial bias, you need strong evidence that demonstrates the judges partiality. This evidence should be factual, documented, and relevant to the case.

When should you recuse yourself? ›

A recusal is appropriate when a conflict of interest exists between an employee's job duties and financial interests (including interests in future employment) or certain business or personal relationships or outside activities. Employees are strongly encouraged to document their recusals in writing.

What are four types of judicial misconduct? ›

Selected Types of Judicial Misconduct

Failing to disclose a conflict of interest. Improper communication about a case. Improper political activities. Substance or alcohol abuse.

What if a judge is biased? ›

Appeal: After a decision is made, you can appeal the ruling, citing judicial bias as one of the grounds for appeal. Judicial Complaint: You can also file a complaint with the relevant judicial ethics commission, which may investigate and potentially sanction the judge if the actions are below ethical standards.

What is the rule of necessity in recusal? ›

In general, the rule of necessity means that if the ethics rules say a judge should be disqualified from a case, but no other judge is available to decide it, then that judge can participate in the case.

What is a 170.6 motion? ›

Motions under Code of Civil Procedure section 170.6. A party making a peremptory challenge by motion or affidavit of prejudice regarding an assigned judge must submit it in writing to the assigned judge within 20 days after service of the order assigning the judge to the coordination proceeding.

What is a notice of recusal? ›

A recusal or disqualification is a method used to resolve an apparent or actual conflict of interest. A disqualified employee may be required to sign a written statement reflecting the scope of the disqualification and the precise nature of the conflicting interest or activity.

What does motion to recuse mean? ›

A motion to recuse is a legal motion filed in court that says a judge should be disqualified, or removed, from a legal case for a reason listed within CCP 170.1. The motion can be brought by either a prosecutor or a defense attorney.

What is a motion from a judge? ›

What is a Motion? A motion is the method used to speak to the judge about a matter in your case. For example, a motion may be brought to ask the court to set aside a default or vacate a default judgment, or it may be brought to ask the court to order a judgment to be paid in installments.

What does notice of recusal mean? ›

Recusal means the self-removal of a judge or prosecutor because of a conflict of interest.

What does it mean to recuse yourself? ›

to disqualify or withdraw (oneself or another person) from any position of judging or decision-making so as to avoid the appearance of personal interest or bias: The senator has recused himself from the vote because of his prior association with the company.

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