The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (2024)


  • Steam is a great platform for indie horror game developers to showcase their work, offering a large and supportive community.
  • There is a wide variety of free-to-play horror games available on Steam, providing plenty of options for fans of the genre.
  • The quality of some of the free horror games on Steam is surprisingly high, offering atmospheric excellence and enjoyable gameplay experiences to those willing to give them a chance.

Fans of horror games have benefited more than most from the meteoric rise of online gaming, with many of the genre's most famous titles and franchises having started life as free-to-play indie games. With Flash games no longer a thing, Steam is now one of the very best places for those indie game developers to showcase their work, thanks in large to the sheer size of the platform.


The 10 Best Free Video Games Of The Generation (According To Metacritic)

Video games don't have to cost a huge amount of money. These video games were free, but still made a huge impact.

This obviously works out pretty well for players too, effectively ensuring that there are always plenty of new free-to-play games just waiting to be discovered on Steam. Fans of horror games are particularly spoiled for choice in this regard, as there's an ever-growing number of fantastic free-to-play horror games on Steam. Below are some of the very best ones.

1 A Place, Forbidden

Steam Rating: Very Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (2)

Released in June of 2020, A Place, Forbidden uses its low poly visuals to great effect. A lot of the backgrounds are reminiscent of the ones found in early survival horror games like Resident Evil and Alone in the Dark and the lack of resolution only serves to make the whole ordeal that little bit more unnerving.

This one should appeal to fans of PS1-era horror games or those looking for a masterclass in creepy atmospheric design. Like its visuals, the gameplay is incredibly simple and the puzzles aren't too challenging either, but that's not to say that exploring the library isn't still well worth the player's time and effort.

2 After Hours

Steam Rating: Mostly Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (3)

It may be a little rough around the edges in places, but what After Hours lacks in polish, it more than makes up for with atmospheric excellence. The game can be unnervingly spooky at times, thanks in large to the thought and meticulous attention to detail that went into designing its setting and its excellent use of sound.

Like many other free-to-play horror games before it, After Hours takes place in an abandoned hospital. Players must explore and escape the derelict facility, while simultaneously being stalked by the mysterious creature that resides there. Stealth and silence will be key for those hoping to survive, though, even then, nothing is guaranteed.

3 Alien Swarm

Steam Rating: Very Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (4)

Despite now being more than a decade old, Valve's fantastic top-down shooter Alien Swarm remains just as enjoyable as ever. The game even features cooperative multiplayer, which is something of a rarity in the free-to-play market. Of course, given the size and stature of the developer, this perhaps shouldn't come as too much of a surprise to players.

Alien Swarmdoesn't contain jump scares, nor does it rely on shocking imagery like some of the other great free-to-play horror games on Steam, but it can still be pretty scary when an alien swarm begins to close in around the player's position. In that sense, the game does an excellent job of creating tension while simultaneously rewarding players for their efforts with satisfying power-ups and weapon drops. For those in the market for a good horror shooter, it's definitely worth a look.

4 Alpha Polaris: A Horror Adventure Game

Steam Rating: Mostly Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (5)

The point-and-click adventure genre has seen something of a resurgence in recent years, though it could perhaps be argued that it never really went away in the first place. Released just in time for Halloween of 2015, Alpha Polaris: A Horror Adventure Game is a solid example of a post-2000 point-and-click adventure and boasts an excellent story, thought-provoking puzzles, and an art style that perfectly suits the genre.

Those who are accustomed to cheap thrills and jump scares will likely come away disappointed, as this is a game that seeks to shock its players through immersion, atmosphere, and suspense. It burns pretty slowly in that respect but does so with a surprisingly bright flame considering the limited resources available to the Finnish studio that developed it. Anyone who enjoys Lovecraftian horror will find a lot to like here, though players with an aversion to polar bears might want to sit this one out.

5 Ann

Steam Rating: Very Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (6)

Inspired by some of the great RPG Maker horror games of yesteryear, Ann is arguably one of the most well-presented free-to-play passion projects on Steam. It looks and sounds fantastic and blends together high-quality animation and traditional 2D sprite-based gameplay to surprisingly good effect.

The game's storyline is nothing to write home about aside from a few interesting beats, but the gameplay more than makes up for this. The puzzles are a lot of fun and the chase scenes have a lot of potential, though the latter are often held back a little by the game's poor controls.

6 At Home Alone Final

Steam Rating: Overwhelmingly Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (7)

As the game's title might suggest, At Home Alone Final was in development for quite a while before the current version was released at the beginning of 2022. The end result is a game that ends up being a lot more spooky than it is terrifying, though it still very much warrants its placement in the upper echelons of the free-to-play horror game genre.

The juxtaposition between the cutesy and colorful art style and some of the dark themes and imagery explored throughout the game works remarkably well and helps to amplify the creepiness to ridiculously high levels. Granted, it is a little slow to get going, and the translation is a little sketchy in places, but neither of these things should be enough to detract from the game's otherwise overall excellence.


Steam Rating: Overwhelmingly Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (8)

Located in a forsaken district on the outskirts of a sprawling megalopolis, the town of BABBDI perfectly encapsulates the concept of strangeness. Its desolate streets and the humanoid creatures that reside there are wonderfully unsettling, while the town's many hidden encourage players to explore it more deeply despite the ever-growing sense of dread.

The goal of BABBDI is a simple one, with players just needing to find a way to escape, yet this is far from a simple game. Yes, there's no combat in the traditional sense, but then nor are there many limitations when it comes to exploration. Everything just comes together perfectly, making this not only one of the best free horror games on Steam but one of the best free Steam games period.

8 Cry of Fear

Steam Rating: Very Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (9)

One of the most popular horror games of all time thanks to its unique combination of Silent Hill and Half-Life, Cry of Fear is objectively one of the better free-to-play games around. The game boasts a triple-A adjacent experience, with an 8-hour campaign and multiple ending scenarios, on top of a co-op experience and diverse modding community that satisfies anyone left wanting more.

Cry of Fear takes the premise of Silent Hill's otherworld and puts it into a first-person survival shooter. While the addition of heavy weaponry feels like it might dampen the horror experience, the game still manages to do a fantastic job of making the player feel helpless, with limited resources and unsuspecting scares hiding around every corner.

9 Cursed

Steam Rating: Very Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (10)

Most people have probably never heard of Disaster Squad Productions' Cursed trilogy, which, in truth, is a real shame. The three point-and-click games are full to the brim with passion, and although they rarely end up being scary despite the many horror themes and motifs that can be found throughout them, this doesn't make them any less enjoyable for players.

It's always nice to see an indie developer improving with each new game and this is very much the case with Cursed. Not only do the visuals improve from game to game, but so too does the gameplay; painting the picture of a developer who is gradually mastering the tools of their trade. It will be interesting to see what comes next now that the trilogy has been concluded.

10 Dagon: by H. P. Lovecraft

Steam Rating: Overwhelmingly Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (11)

Described by its creators as "a 3D narrative experience in madness," Dagon: by H. P. Lovecraft is one of the most immersive free-to-play horror games on Steam. At least it is when played in VR mode, anyway: a feature that most indie devs could only dream of implementing in their titles, especially those that are being given away for free.

As the title might suggest, it's one of many games inspired by the work of H.P. Lovecraft and can be played with or without a VR headset. The whole thing can be completed in under half an hour, but the atmosphere presented within this visual novel will likely have players returning whenever they find themselves in the mood for another spooky boat ride.

11 Dark Deception

Steam Rating: Very Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (12)

Dark Deception is a little bit like Pac-Man, only with pink shards instead of tiny yellow balls and terrifying monkey bellhops replacing all the ghosts. The giant maze that players are forced to navigate is equally intimidating, with the rundown hotel providing no safe havens in which players can hide to catch their breath.

It's perhaps that last detail that makes Dark Deception such a great free-to-play horror game, as players are forced to remain on guard for the entire duration of their playthrough. Knowing that one of the evil monkeys could be lurking just around the corner is really quite frightening, as too is being chased by one only to find the path ahead blocked off by another.

12 Dark Fracture: Prologue

Steam Rating: Very Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (13)

There's still no word on when exactly the full release of Dark Fracture will see the light of day, but, if Dark Fracture: Prologue is anything to go by, it looks set to be one of the better free-to-play first-person horror games on steam. The visuals and audio combine to provide a delightfully disturbing atmosphere, while the thought-provoking puzzles contribute just the right amount of challenge.

Classed by the developer as a stand-alone game, the prologue is designed to give players just a little taste of what they can expect in the full release. It has its own spooky story and does an excellent job introducing the main character Edward while simultaneously easing players into the dark depths of his tortured mind.

13 Deathly Stillness

Steam Rating: Overwhelmingly Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (14)

According to its creator, Deathly Stillness was never intended to be an officially released game. It was thrown together in just 17 days and is meant to serve as a tutorial of sorts for other game creators. That hasn't stopped tens of thousands of people from downloading and enjoying it though, with the title now one of the best free horror games on Steam when it comes to positive review scores.

As per its own description, Deathly Stillness is "a boring third-person shooter with no plot." As more established franchises like Dead Rising have shown though, there's nothing boring about tearing through zombies with powerful weapons and this is something that the free-to-play Steam game does exceptionally well. There are some pretty decent character customization mechanics on offer too, though the real fun is in the gameplay.

14 Deceit

Steam Rating: Mostly Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (15)

Some of the more recent changes made to Deceit have arguably cheapened the overall experience, but that's not to say that there isn't still a lot of fun to be had with this asymmetrical multiplayer game. Developer Baseline has done a great job balancing the gameplay, ensuring that controlling one of the infected is just as fun as playing as a survivor and vice versa.

The mysterious setting in which the game takes place gives off an incredibly sinister vibe, while the blackout periods that punctuate the end of each zone really crank up the tension. Everything tends to happen incredibly quickly too, forcing players to think on their feet, particularly when faced with an infected in their terror form.

15 Dissonance

Steam Rating: Very Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (16)

Atmosphere alone can go a long way toward creating a great horror game, as evidenced by Dissonance from Resonance Studio. To be clear, that's not at all to say that atmosphere is the only thing that the game has going for it, but the abandoned research facility in which the game takes place is definitely one of its strongest assets.

The way that different gadgets need to be used when faced with different creatures forces players to think their actions through, though the short windows that they're given to do so make the experience a lot more exhilarating. Both mechanically and visually it is a fairly simple game, but one which manages to draw its players into its SCP-inspired world incredibly effectively.

16 Doki Doki Literature Club

Steam Rating: Overwhelmingly Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (17)

A late addition to the YouTube horror fad, Doki Doki Literature Club became an instant classic as its unassuming facade of a "raunchy fan-service visual novel" quickly broke down into something a lot more disturbing. For fans of Japanese horror cinema, Doki Doki is comparable to a supernatural take on Audition's shocking romance plot.


Almost Free: The Best Steam Games You Can Get For $1 (Or Less)

There are tons of quality games on Steam that are almost free. For under $1, players can pick up all of these puzzle, platformer and shooter games.

The game doesn't rely on shock factor to get by, however, and is an intriguing experience for those looking for more psychological horror media after the recent surge of Silent Hill-inspired games. Critics and players alike have praised the game's refreshing take on visual novels, a genre that's become more or less the modern equivalent of dollar-store romance novels.

17 Don't Be Afraid - The First Toy

Steam Rating: Very Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (19)

There are plenty of free horror games on Steam that rely on subtlety, but Don't Be Afraid - The First Toy really isn't one of them. Just about every element of this game was designed to be spooky, and, for the most part, developer Broken Arrow Games delivers on this front.

The game places players into the shoes of Jamie, a young boy who has been kidnapped by a psychopath. As they explore the house in which they now find themselves imprisoned, they'll stumble upon plenty of terrifying imagery, all of which is backed up by a simple yet surprisingly effective score.

18 Empty Shell: Prologue

Steam Rating: Very Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (20)

Empty Shell: Prologue is one of the most atmospheric free-to-play horror games on Steam. Its art style is delightfully deliberate and helps to turn what might otherwise be a fairly generic experience into an adventure that is dripping with tension and suspense. The game features excellent enemies, perplexing puzzles, and a surprising amount of lore for players to immerse themselves in.

Some will perhaps argue that games with roguelike design elements are a dime a dozen these days, and while this is certainly true, Empty Shell: Prologue uses these mechanics to great effect. Those who enjoy difficult video games will love what's on offer here and will no doubt be left wondering what exactly is in store for them when the full release arrives.

19 Entropy: Zero 2

Steam Rating: Overwhelmingly Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (21)

Released in August of 2022, Entropy: Zero 2 is a free Half-Life 2 mod, boasting new enemies and weapons, an overhauled combat system, and full Achievement support. It allows players to command squads of soldiers as they explore the mysterious Arbeit Communications facility in an attempt to capture Dr. Judith Mossman.

The mod was developed by Breadman and has received overwhelmingly positive feedback since going live on Steam. Though strictly speaking it may not be a free-to-play game in its own right, it really may as well be given the huge number of people who already own a copy of Half-Life 2.

20 Estigma

Steam Rating: Very Positive (All Reviews)

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (22)

All things considered, Estigma is a relatively straightforward title with a simple yet satisfying gameplay loop - even if it doesn't look like it is at first glance. At its core, it's a little reminiscent of Pac-Man, only in this game, everything can (and likely will) kill the player at every opportunity that it gets.

Players are unlikely to spend more than a couple of hours with Estigma, though, for the price, that still seems like pretty good value for money. The visuals really are quite striking throughout and the fast-paced gameplay has the potential to really get the heart racing.

The 85 Best Free-to-Play Horror Games on Steam (July 2024) (2024)


What is the 6 player horror game on Steam? ›

Surrounded is an up to 6-player cooperative horror game where you will encounter a lot of different variations of strange sightings and creatures capable of ending your life. Dive into the story mode with up to 6 players, or raise the stakes in the replayable co-op gamemode: "Hunted".

What is the scariest free online game? ›

What are the best free Scary Games online?
  • We Become What We Behold.
  • Scary Maze.
  • Portrait of an Obsession.
  • Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 2.
  • Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 3.
  • Gobdun.
  • Forgotten Hill: Fall.
  • Forgotten Hill: Puppeteer.

How many horror games are on Steam? ›

1324 Horror games have been released in 2022 on Steam. Filter games. 1093 Horror games have been released in 2021 on Steam.

What is the most popular free Steam game? ›

Concurrent Steam Users
2.Dota 2358,235
4.Once Human80,510
76 more rows

Does Steam still give free games? ›

Steam store deals and giveaways: The official Steam store often has deals and giveaways where you can get games for free. There is also a "Free to Play" category in the Steam launcher where you can find purpose-built free games.

What is the scariest game on the world? ›

Best horror games 2024
  1. Alien: Isolation. A terrifying and unforgettable classic.
  2. Visage. Horrifyingly realistic. ...
  3. Amnesia: The Bunker. Not for the faint of heart. ...
  4. The Outlast Trials. A new standard for multiplayer horror. ...
  5. Until Dawn. Your own story to tell. ...
  6. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. ...
  7. Dead By Daylight. ...
  8. The Evil Within 2. ...
Aug 26, 2024

Who is the first horror game? ›

The earliest rudimentary attempt at a horror video game dates back to as early as 1972, when a Haunted House overlay was included with the first video game console, the Magnavox Odyssey, inspired by haunted house fiction.

Which is the No. 1 horror game? ›

Resident Evil 2 Remake

It seems almost unimaginable that over 20 years after its original PS1 release the classic Resident Evil 2 is back on the best horror games list.

Which is the real horror game? ›

Five Nights At Freddy's: The Chuck E.

Four employees were gunned down after hours by a disgruntled former colleague. In the game, you're the night guard, and your job is to survive the night as animatronics come to life. The game captures the essence of real-life horror, transforming it into a fictional nightmare.

Is Steam free to use? ›

Steam is a digital game storefront and a social platform that lets you see what your friends are playing. To sign up, select Login > Join Steam on the homepage and enter your information. Steam is free to use, but you typically pay for games.

What is the highest grossing horror game? ›

Resident Evil is Capcom's best-selling franchise and the best-selling horror game series, with 154 million copies sold worldwide as of December 2023.

Is there anything free in Steam? ›

Free to play games are available to download for free and can be played without a subscription or a credit card. Your Steam wallet allows you to purchase items and content in-game to customize your gameplay if supported by the specific game.

Why was Cry of Fear free? ›

Fun fact about Cry of Fear, it was always intended to be free as it was a Half-Life mod going standalone onto Steam, but on the day of launch the release was delayed because Valve wanted the game to have a price tag. Even Valve were under the assumption this should cost money.

Is Lethal Company free? ›

With the game's massive popularity online, many are wondering - can you play Lethal Company for free? Unfortunately, no. Unlike free-to-play games, you must purchase Lethal Company on Steam for $9.99 to play. There is currently no option to access the game through promotions or trials.

Is Poppy Playtime free? ›

Keep in mind that this free-to-play game runs on an ad-supported platform.

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Author: Lidia Grady

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.