Touroperation and Tourism Animation - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw (2024)

Home | Offer | Touroperation and Tourism Animation

Undergraduate (Bachelor)

Field of study:
Tourism and Recreation


Undergraduate (Bachelor)

Field of study:

Tourism and Recreation

Duration of study:

3 years (6 semesters)

4 years (degree + foundation)



Now also available online

Obtained title:

bachelor's degree


English | Polish

Touroperation and Tourism Animation - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw (1)

Why choose this field of study?

Do you like a lot of action and getting to know new places and people? Tourism and recreation at the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw is the perfect degree for you! By choosing this major, you can combine your passion for travel with professional work and develop your creativity and organisational skills into professional competence. The study programme will enable you to gain knowledge and qualifications necessary for various positions offered by the tourism industry, but also thoroughly prepare you to set up and successfully run your own business in this sector. In the course of your studies, you will learn about the various aspects of professional activity in the tourism industry – from strategy and organisation of tourism events, through infrastructure planning, to business economics and promotion issues. You will also have the necessary knowledge of tourism law or risk management in this industry.

By choosing the specialisation Tour Operation and Tourism Animation, you will focus particularly on issues related to the functioning of tourist offices and agencies and gain practical skills in organising and carrying out various types of trips and tourist events. The major also includes a second specialisation – see: Gastronomy and Hotel Industry.

Note: Irrespective of the specialisation you choose, you can complete the study option with one foreign language in the timetable or the option with two foreign languages (to choose from among the lectures offered by UEHS). You will find additional information below, under Programme and structure of studies.

Tourism and Recreation – what sets us apart?

  • During your studies, you will not only gain specialised knowledge but also develop competences that are useful to tourism professionals – such as interpersonal skills, communication skills and teamwork.
  • You will learn about current market trends and modern technologies used in the tourism industry – including tools based on AI (artificial intelligence).
  • You will develop your analytical skills and learn to work using the project method, which will help you succeed in your future career.
  • Plenty of practical activities await you – interesting workshops and field exercises in, for example, piloting, sightseeing, voiceover or management skills.
  • You will study in an inspiring, international environment of UEHS students and lecturers – because we are at the top of the university ranking in the Internationalisation category (Perspektywy 2023).
  • As part of your bachelor’s thesis, you will complete a social project related to your interests or career plans.
  • You can complete this study programme in a mode that is convenient for you: full-time or part-time – including online (when choosing an online option, part of the course, especially the workshops take place with the physical participation of the students, on a pre-scheduled date).
  • During your studies, you will undertake valuable work placements that introduce you to the realities of the tourism industry and business.
  • You will be taught by carefully selected staff: experienced UEHS lecturers, experts and industry practitioners.

Touroperation and Tourism Animation – what can you do after graduation?

Touroperation and Tourism Animation - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw (3)

As a tourism graduate with a specialisation in Touroperation and Tourism Animation, you can develop a career as, among others:

  • employee of a travel agency or travel agency;
  • tour manager, resident or leisure time animator;
  • organiser or coordinator of trips and leisure and business events;
  • specialist in the tourism department of a government administration;
  • owner of his/her own business providing tourism services or consultancy in this field.

After completing Tourism and Recreation at UEHS, you will be prepared both substantively and practically to develop your career and business in the tour operator industry at home and abroad.

This program
is for you if:

You are tying your professional development to the tourism industry or want to start your own business in it.

You are an open-minded, communicative person and enjoy interacting with people.

You are comfortable in a dynamic environment and have organisational skills.

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Touroperation and Tourism Animation - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw (5)

Touroperation and Tourism Animation - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw (6)

Programme and structure of studies



180 ECTS credits

(European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System)

they last

3 years (6 semesters)

concluded with obtaining

a bachelor’s degree

The Bachelor’s degree programme in Tourism and Recreation at the UEHS in Warsaw offers substantial and practical preparation for a career in tourism – including setting up your own business based on activities in this sector. The specialisation Touroperation and Tourism Animation focuses on the issues and skills necessary in this particular branch of the industry. The Bachelor’s degree programme concludes with a thesis in the form of a social project, which at the Tourism specialisation at UEHS replaces the obligation to complete a traditional written thesis.

Programme option with additional foreign language course

Knowledge of foreign languages is one of the key competences in the tourism industry – that is why we also offer a variant of the programme enriched with an additional foreign language course.

When choosing this option, the student:

– pursues in the course of his/her studies a course in not one, but two foreign languages (to choose from the AEH offer);
– pursues the second foreign language course for 4 semesters, starting from the second year of studies, within the additional hours included in the course schedule;
– completes his/her Bachelor’s degree with an ECTS score of 196 points (180 points plus 16 points for the additional language course);
– broadens his/her foreign language competence under the guidance of experienced lecturers, in an international academic environment.


When choosing an online degree programme, some of the classes throughout the course of study (including practical workshops) must take place with the physical presence of the students. The block of classes to be delivered onsite will be planned and announced well in advance each year of the course of study.


In the first year, students are introduced to general subjects and the first directional issues in the areas of tourism geography, finance or management – areas that form the foundation for understanding the specific tourism issues explored in the further course of study.


Subject name Cummulative amount of ECTS points Lecture method Cummulative amount of hours (FT/PT)
OHS 0 L 8/8
Academic skills 1 L 15/8
Introduction to philosophy / Anthropology (elective) 5 L 35/20
Fundamentals of social communication 4 L 30/16
Introduction to psychology 5 L 30/24
Introduction to the study of law and government / Economic history (elective) 5 L 30/24
Fundamentals of economics 5 L 30/24
Organisation and management theory 5 L 30/24


Subject name Cummulative amount of ECTS points Lecture method Cummulative amount of hours (FT/PT)
Foreign language I (elective) 4 Lekt 60/32
Sports and leisure activities 0 T 30/0
Fundamentals of intercultural communication 5 L, WS 60/32
Fundamentals of Spreadsheets 2 Lab 15/8
Basics of accounting 5 L, WS 60/40
Management of organisations 4 L 30/16
Introduction to tourism and recreation 5 L, T 60/32
Tourism geography (I) 5 L, T 60/32

L – lecture; T – tutorials; LEKT – foreign language classes; D – discussion; WS – workshops; LAB – labs; PR– practicum/internship;


In the second year, students deepen their specialised knowledge in further subjects in their field of study, including tourism and hotel industry economics, market analysis, industry law or marketing of tourism services.


Subject name Cummulative amount of ECTS points Lecture method Cummulative amount of hours (FT/PT)
Foreign language (II) (elective) 4 Lekt 60/32
Sports and leisure activities 0 T 30/0
Basics of marketing 3 L 30/16
Microeconomics 3 L 30/24
Tourism geography (II) 4 L, T 60/32
Tourism destination management / Design and planning of tourism infrastructure (elective) 3 L 30/16
Economics of tourism and hospitality 5 L, T 60/32
Law and insurance for tourism 3 D 30/16
Basics of hotel management 5 L, T 60/32
Second foreign language (I) (elective)* 4 Lekt 60/32


Subject name Cummulative amount of ECTS points Lecture method Cummulative amount of hours (FT/PT)
Foreign language (III) (elective) 4 Lekt 60/32
First aid 2 T 15/8
Planning and organisation of tourism events 3 Ws 30/16
Risk analysis and management in tourism activities 3 Ws 30/16
Marketing in the tourism services industry 3 Ws 30/16
Macroeconomics 3 L 30/24
Analysis of the tourism market 5 L, T 60/32
Safety in tourism 3 T 30/16
Business organisation in the tourism industry 4 L, T 45/24
Second foreign language (II) (elective)* 4 Lekt 60/32

L – lecture; T – tutorials; LEKT – foreign language classes; D – discussion; WS – workshops; LAB – labs; PR– practicum/internship; *for a study option with an additional second foreign language course


In the third year, students systematise and consolidate their specialised field knowledge, as well as learning about subjects specific to the specialisation Touroperation and Tourism Animation. This is also the time for work placements and the implementation of a diploma social project.


Subject name Cummulative amount of ECTS points Lecture method Cummulative amount of hours (FT/PT)
Foreign Language (IV) (DW) 4 Lekt 60/32
Culinary traditions of Polish regions / Culinary traditions of world regions (elective) 2 L, T 25/20
Logistics and transport in tourism 3 K 30/16
Tourism animation 3 T 30/16
Interpersonal training / Coaching skills / Management skills (elective) 3 Ws 30/16
Methodology of project preparation 3 D 30/16
Professional practice 12 PR 360/320
Second foreign language (III) (elective)* 4 Lekt 60/32


Subject name Cummulative amount of ECTS points Lecture method Cummulative amount of hours (FT/PT)
Foreign language (V) (DW) 4 Lekt 60/32
Modern technologies and AI applications in the tourism industry 2 Lab 30/16
Vocal emission 2 Ws 30/16
Pilotage and guiding 3 T 30/16
Country studies 3 T 30/16
Social project 4 D 30/16
Professional practice 12 PR 360/360
Second foreign language (IV) (DW)* 4 Lekt 60/32

L – lecture; T – tutorials; LEKT – foreign language classes; D – discussion; WS – workshops; LAB – labs; PR– practicum/internship; *for a study option with an additional second foreign language course

Tuition fees

Fixed tuition - flexible payments

By choosing to study at UEHS, you can be sure that the tuition fee will not change throughout the duration of your studies. You can pay the tuition fee once for the entire year of study or spread over a semester payment. This allows you to decide how you want to plan your expenses.

Touroperation and Tourism Animation - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw (7)

Fees (academic year 2024/2025)


Year of study Annually Per semester*
I 2400€ 1350€
II 2400€ 1350€
III 2400€ 1350€

*Semester payment is possible from the second year of studies.


Year of study Annually Per semester*
I 3400€ 1850€
II 3400€ 1850€
III 3400€ 1850€

*Semester payment is possible from the second year of studies.

EU and other countries group
This group includes citizens of the countries member states of the European Union and the following countries citizens: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latin America, Macedonia, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

Other countries
The citizens of all the remaining countries.

Scholarships - easier than you think

Touroperation and Tourism Animation - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw (8)

While studying at UEHS, you can take advantage of a wide range of financial support from the state budget and European funds, as well as benefit from special discounts with UEHS discount program

You can submit most scholarship applications quickly and easily through your online account.

The scholarship may be awarded to any student who obtained an average grade not lower than 4.5 in a academic year given.

In the academic year 2022/2023, the University of Economics and Humanities in Warsaw awarded 350 Rector’s Scholarships, ranging from PLN 525 /month to PLN 1025 /month, depending on the average or achievements. For outstanding sport, artistic or scientific achievements, the Scholarship Committee awarded scholarships of PLN 600 /month.

Detailed information on the possibility of applying for the Rector’s Scholarship is available in the “MojeAEH” system.

A sports scholarship may be awarded to a student who excels in sport achievements at least national level. In addition we also encourage our students to take part in additional support programs- eg. the National Academic Representation.

Young sportsmen can count on financial support in the amount of PLN 600 /month.

Detailed information on the possibility of applying for sports scholarship is available in the “MojeAEH” system.

A scholarship for people with disabilities may be awarded to a student who has a disability certificate, a disability degree certificate, a ZUS certifying physician’s certificate, a disability group certificate or a certificate of permanent or long-term incapacity to work on a farm.

In the 2022/2023 academic year, depending on the degree of disability, 150 scholarships for people with disabilities were awarded, ranging from PLN 1275 /month to PLN 1575 /month.

Detailed information on the possibility of applying for a scholarship for people with disabilities is available in the “MojeAEH” system.

The allowance is a form of emergency financial assistance. Any student who found himself temporarily in a difficult life situation resulting from random events beyond the student’s control can apply for it.The allowance may be granted twice in one academic year, and the allowance is not granted twice for the same random event. Difficult life situations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are an exception.

In 2021, we granted 40 allowances for a total of PLN 197,200. The allowances, depending on the student’s situation, were paid in the amount of PLN 3,000 to PLN 5,000 at a time.

Detailed information on the possibility of applying for the allowance is available in the “MojeAEH” system.

2022/2023 academic year
355 Rector’s Scholarships
179 social scholarships
181 scholarships for people with disabilities

PLN 1,890,289.35 was spent in 2019/2020 on scholarships
PLN 2,911,662.50 was spent in 2020/2021 on scholarships
PLN 4,158,177.00 was spent in 2021/2022 on scholarships
PLN 7,829,950.00 was spent in 2022/2023 on scholarships

Rector’s Scholarship – highest average: 5,44

Apply online

Touroperation and Tourism Animation - University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw (2024)


What is the ranking of university of Economics and Humanities in Warsaw? ›

As for 2024, the university is ranked 81st by QS World University Rankings for universities in Eastern Europe and in the top 5 for International Student Diversity in Europe. It is included in The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023, ranking 301–400 internationally for Reducing inequalities.

What is the ranking of Warsaw School of Economics Poland? ›

Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) is ranked 1501 in World University Rankings by Times Higher Education and has an overall score of 4.0 stars, according to student reviews on Studyportals, the best place to find out how students rate their study and living experience at universities from all over the world.

Is Warsaw University prestigious? ›

University of Warsaw is one of the top public universities in Warsaw, Poland. It is ranked #258 in QS World University Rankings 2025.

What is the rank 1 university in Poland? ›

Here are some of the highest-ranked universities in Poland:
  • University of Warsaw. ...
  • Jagiellonian University. ...
  • Warsaw University of Technology. ...
  • Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WRUST) ...
  • University of Wroclaw.

What is the acceptance rate for Warsaw School of Economics? ›

The Warsaw School of Economics acceptance rate is just 25%. International students applying to the University must meet UG and PG admissions requirements.

Why study at University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw? ›

The University in rankings

Ever since it was established, the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw has taken great care when choosing teachers and professors to work with, opting for the most accomplished instructors and scholars hailing from Poland and other countries.

What is the ranking of University of Social Sciences in Warsaw? ›

SWPS University is one of the top private universities in Warsaw, Poland. It is ranked #=78 in Europe University Rankings - Eastern Europe 2025.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.